Sparkly Things Inside!

Official Home of the Discodana

MINI ME Collection is Live!
Don't Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle!
Hey, y'all! I'm Taylor -
Just an Uptown Blonde creating sparkly things here in Texas. I spent years dedicating 40+ hours a week to a workplace where my creativity was always "too much" of whatever -- if I had a dollar for every time someone told me that something about me was too much, well I would not be busting my a$$ creating this brand, but rather sipping some poolside Sauvignon Blanc without a care in the world (haha) but really... I created this brand by taking all of the "negative" traits people told me I had and turning them into, Uptown Blonde! PINK, SPARKLES, BUBBLY, OVER THE TOP, and there is NEVER too much of anything around here. So welcome, all!